Friday, May 17, 2013

May 16

Today I made a bunch of tiles.  I made sixteen.  So now I have twenty six.  And my goal was twenty-five to thirty, so I’m pretty much good to go.  Tomorrow I’m going to have to clean them up and flip them over and let them dry, and then over the weekend they’ll dry, and I’ll be able to bisque them next week and hopefully get them all glazed before the year ends.  They’re definitely not going to be ready before the show on Thursday, but that’s ok.  I don’t actually really know what I’m going to do with all of them.
            If I had all the time in the world, I’d like to try to make a whole new set.  Now that I actually know how to do everything.  I think I could probably make better plates, and better everything, really.  Especially those salad plates…  But it’s ok.  I think it’s good that I even know that I could make better ones.  And then if I had even more time on top of all the time in the world, I’d make things like berry bowls and other superfluous dishes.  Because it quantity, not quality.  Just kidding.
            It’s my secret dream that a cool big store will buy my designs and sell them.  Like Anthropologie did with Molly Hatch’s ceramics.  Really Anthropologie is the dream.  It’s kind of a really big dream, too.  I always tell myself that something awesome like that will happen eventually, I just have to keep with it long enough.  I feel like if I can trick myself into thinking that then maybe everything will turn out the way I want it to. 
It’s going to be really time consuming to glaze all of these tiles.  I don’t know why I decided to do that.  I was totally done.  I guess I felt kind of guilty for being done, so I decided to stack on some more work for myself.  I always do that.  I feel like I just need to relax.  This summer will be good for that, lots of beach reading.
I have a history paper due on Sunday.  The first few pages are due tomorrow.  I thought it was going to be really difficult to write, but I already wrote an outline, and when I sat down to actually do it, it went really quickly.  I just need to find some good primary sources and then it’ll be good to go.

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